Friday, July 15, 2011

Welcome to our blog!!

Dear Family and Friends,

Welcome to our blog!!

We've created this blog so that our family and friends can follow along with my daughter Jessica (14) and I on a very exciting journey this September. The two of us will be part of a short term mission team traveling to the “Pearl of Africa”, Uganda!!  We will be accompanying six other missionaries to minister and share the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout southern Uganda.

The team will be led by Virgil and Joy Rick, founders of Say Yes International (check out the Say Yes website by clicking on the Ministry Link on the right). Other members of the team include Mark Miller and his daughter Shailynn (13), Sandy Robinson and her daughter Ashley (24).

The Lord has already opened doors for us to minister to young and old alike in schools, orphanages, and hospitals throughout Uganda. Our purpose is to preach the gospel in word and deed.

 At this time we are forming a support team here at home to join us in this mission. We would like to ask you to pray about becoming a vital part of this mission through prayer:

  • Please pray for the love of Jesus to compel and move us with great compassion for the people of Uganda.
  • Please pray for our physical and spiritual protection as we minister and travel throughout the country of Uganda
  • Please pray for the Lord to open the hearts of the many souls that will hear the gospel to receive it with all gladness.
  • Please pray for the Lord to move mightily through miracles of healing. Above all that He would heal hearts and draw people to Himself. 
  • Please pray for the Ugandan Pastors who will be working alongside us – Jonah, Moses, and Daniel. Pray that their hearts will be encouraged and stirred up in love and good works.

 Along with prayer support, we are also trusting God to meet the financial needs of our mission. Please do not feel under any obligation to give; however, if you feel God calling you to help financially, Calvary Chapel Corvallis has set up an account to receive funds and to give tax deduction receipts.  But above all, we covet your prayers!

                Thank you for reading our blog and considering supporting us on this exciting mission. We hope that you can share in it with us.

God be with you,

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