Sunday, September 18, 2011

Let everything that has breath praise the LORD!

Day 10 - Sunday

Today we gathered together in the Ebenezer Gospel Church and worshiped the Lord. We gave Him thanks for the great things He has done this weekend and for the many lives that were touched. Fiona, the little girl who was healed during the hospital visit on Friday, came with her father. Praise God!! Jess and I gave them each Bibles and worshiped beside them. Pastor Moses's wife, Betty, called all those who were visiting today to the front of the church. She then asked them to tell the congregation where they were from. Fiona's dad broke down crying as he talked about what the Lord did for them on Friday. Fiona spoke into the mic and told everyone how thankful she was. We were overjoyed with the goodness of the Lord! Then a young college girl asked if someone could pray with her to be saved. Betty asked if there was anyone who would like to come lead her to the Lord. I jumped out of my seat, and we prayed for her salvation!!

Service began at 9am and ended at around 2:30. You might be wondering, "What did you do for six hours?" We worshiped the Lord with prayers of intercession, songs of praise, listening to the Word being taught; then we sang more songs of worship, danced (yes, Mark was dancing with a group of young children), prayed for healing, and celebrated the great things that Jesus has done for all of us.

We then took a tour of Tororo and walked around an outdoor marketplace. We purchased a few 'oranges' from one of the vendors. They were green on the outside and a yellowish color inside with no seeds. Boy, were they tasty! A little sweet and a little tart at the same time. Next we went to see Pastor Moses's new home that they are building. It sits in the shadow of 'Mount Rock', a tall haystack-looking mountain from which you can see all of Tororo and into Kenya. The border of Kenya is only 10 miles from where we are staying. What a restful and joyful day!!

"Praise the LORD! Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty firmament! Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness!..Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD!" Psalm 150:1,2,6

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